jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017

places to know in Medellín

Resultado de imagen para Pueblito paisa

Medellín, the city of eternal spring (too hot lately), has many places to know as are the little town paisa located in the city, its beautiful people, and in August is celebrated the flower fair, without doubt, a Fair to delight.
In its surroundings you can know Guatapé, a village with a very big and beautiful lake, next to the peñol rock.
it pays to know the city.

Resultado de imagen para guatapé

Practice your English with Lyric training

Imagen relacionada

This is an interactive platform in which you can listen to music but the lyrics appear so that you complete it according to what you listen to. It has several levels, beginner, intermediate, advanced and expert. It is a very good tool, I recommend it


Painting is one of my favorite hobbies just like reading a good book and watching series. I love blindspot and game of thrones
this drawing is one that I am doing, it is not finished yet but I will gradually achieve it.

Research Group

Resultado de imagen para sirytcor

In the research group to which I belong is dedicated to the remediation of water contaminated with dyes from treatment with agroindustrial residues, specifically to adsorption treatment and after that step, is followed by the degradation of the dye by fungic treatment

Holy week

Resultado de imagen para Bogota

The last holy week I was in Bogotá with 2 friends, we met the city and sorrounding towns, We were in Sopó, La vega, in gold museum, Monserrate, in the downtown and we did karaoke.

Resultado de imagen para monserrate Resultado de imagen para cabaña de alpina

When I was in black and white carnival

Is the largest carnival celebration in south Colombia, its geographical indication belongs to the city of Pasto. It is celebrated from 2 to 7 January of each year and attracts a considerable number of Colombian and foreign tourists.

About my family

They are my family, my dad is 59 years old,  tall and he is veterinarian. My sister, just behind me, is younger than me, she is 19 and I am 21 years, she is studying Civil Engenieering. My cousin, she is the youngest in that picture, she is just 10 and she is in high school.

Dangerous challenges

Blue whale challenge

Resultado de imagen para ballena azul

Cinnamon challenge

Resultado de imagen para canela

Sheet chalenges

Resultado de imagen para reto de la hoja de papel

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017

How to use do and does

Resultado de imagen para auxiliares en ingles do does didResultado de imagen para auxiliares en ingles do does did

Tongue twister

Tongue twisters are very good exercises to improve pronunciation and that's why I bring one today.

Pharsal verbs

This is a topic that I like, since these phrasal verbs are very useful, in addition to being combinations of other verbs, their meaning changes and for this reason I consider them very useful, apart from that are very used by the Anglo culture.
Some of them are:
Back down - echarse para atrás en una decisión que provoca enfrentamiento
Back off - retirarse, alejarse, evitar

Mexican culture

In my English class we had the opportunity to share with Mexican people, they were two girls.
They showed us how their culture was and especially their meals and how they differed from the Colombian meals.
They showed us songs representative of their beautiful country and they made tastings of dishes that they prepared themselves.

Resultado de imagen para comida mexicana

Sing, the movie

This is a beautiful movie.
It is about animals singing, personal growth and friendship. It is a movie that entertains you, envelops you and makes you think.
It is very easy to understand but I suggest to see it with subtitles in English and thus to be able to understand more and improve both listening and reading in this language.

Resultado de imagen para sing